Best Places To Celebrate The Spring Equinox In 2024

On March 20, 2024, the spring equinox is coming in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the arrival of warmer days and religious significance for some. When it happens, people from around the world have their ways and historic places to celebrate the coming of spring. Meanwhile, it is one of two dates in the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator, meaning that both day and night last 12 hours. The other is the September equinox where we are heading towards winter. Over history, people have built sites that align with the springtime sun. The following are five best places to celebrate the spring equinox of 2024.
Visit Stonehenge in England
While normally, tourists are not allowed to enter the inner grounds of the stone monument, the spring and fall equinox is different. On those dates, free access is opened to the public to experience the event. While celebrating the sunrise, visitors such as local pagans, druids, Wiccans and drummers noisily mark the event.
Spring equinox at El Castillo, Mexico
Nagoya, Japan and cherry blossoms
Spring equinox at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Chaco Canyon National Historical Park, United States
Meanwhile, several of these buildings mark significant astronomical events and the most impressive is the Casa Rinconada. On the spring equinox, this large, hilltop kiva (ceremonial and social chamber) sees the sun climbing its walls and shining through two aligned doorways and into a small niche in the wall.
Readers, where will you be during the spring equinox of 2024? Let us know by dropping a comment below.